A Humorous Look at Planning Your Dream Space

How to Plan Your Dream Space in 7 Steps

Like many of you, I’m stuck at home during the Pandemic, adhering to my state’s Stay at Home directive, with only essential travel. I work from home on a regular basis so you’d think I’d be used to this stay at home stuff, right? Nope. Everything has been postponed (consultations and installs) and getting work done is difficult due to lack of motivation (can’t deliver any finished orders). Add in guilt that I should be spending working hours making masks and I feel out of sorts.

If all that weren't enough, Spring has yet to arrive in Indiana (snow in April?!?). A sure fire recipe for stir-crazy-cabin-fever!

Even deciding on this month’s blog post topic was difficult. To post something like "Planning Your Dream Space” seemed a little callous, while on the other hand you may be growing as weary as I am seeing “COVID-19” in almost every email subject line. I’m craving normal! So this is for all of you who are also craving normal. I’m now much more keenly aware of my house and its limitations as I’m sure you are too. I hope you enjoy this tongue-in-cheek blog on how to plan your dream space during a pandemic.


This is what my daffodils looked like last week!


1. Walk Through Your Existing Space

Make a list for each room you want to address. Your dining room for example. you know, before it became your spouse’s working from home office. How was it used? Did you eat in there? Was it a craft room? Was it a holding pen for things you’ll put away “later”? What did you love about it? You know, when you could see the table, and there weren’t stacks of reports everywhere and half empty coffee cups on it? What isn’t working? Not talking about your spouse here - is it the color scheme, or lack of privacy at the window? Now that we’re all home 24/7, privacy is more important than ever!


Is this what the top of your dining room table looks like now?


Need some privacy from your neighbors?

2. Get Ideas & Inspiration

Under normal circumstances, you may have felt guilty about spending time perusing online decoration sites or Pinterest (aka the Rabbit Hole). Now you may need a break after the third conference call of the day with your boss, cooking, cleaning, home- schooling your kids, cooking, cleaning, yelling at your kids, talking to the plants, more cooking! More cleaning! Choose a site, type in ‘dining room’ or ‘Roman shades’, etc. in the search bar. Either create boards or save images that you instinctively love (or hate) to a folder

3. Fine-Tune Your Design Aesthetic 

You may not realize you have a style, don’t know what your style is or what it’s called, or what patterns or colors you’re drawn to; that’s ok. By the way, Arts and Crafts, transitional, contemporary, and traditional are actual styles. The one-room school house, family room-now-dorm room, kitchen as a science lab; these looks are temporary! Take a look at what you’ve pinned or saved. You’ll start to see a trend. Which elements speak to you? (If you really hear them talking to you, it’s time to take a break!) Do you notice certain color palettes, patterns, types of furniture, window treatments, or overall vibes?


Will you be needing slipcovers soon?


4. Identify Your Needs

Make a list of “Must-Haves”. No, this does not include toilet paper, a clean kitchen, tidy teenagers, or empty laundry hampers. Create your list from what you wrote in steps 1 and 3, addressing the space and fine-tuning your aesthetic. These can be items: lamps or ottomans; functions: storage or seating; or privacy: window treatments.

5. Make a List of Your Wants

Next, decide on your priorities. (For the list, not which snacks you’re going to eat first). What do you want but could live without? Again, the decorating list. (Come on-focus! You can do it! You’re almost done!) You’d love to have that giant wool ottoman poof, but you know your cat would shred it; a work out room, but you don't have the space (besides, you'll be able to go back to the gym someday); a game room, but you want your teenagers to leave the nest some day.

6. Compile Your Dream Wishlist

Woo hoo! You’re on the home stretch now! You just created your realistic wish list. (For your rooms! Yes, I know you’re wishing this were over, that you and your spouse could go back to the office, and your kids were back in school) Express yourself and describe what your dream home would look like. When this is done, you’ll be so glad you took a break from binging on NetFlix to do this.

7. Get Started!

So what’s next? Give me a call, text, or email. I know window treatments - how to measure, what fits, what suits your needs as well as bedding, pillows, and slipcovers (that $3,000 sofa may have great springs and cushions, but how’s it holding up to the crumbs and spills?) Let’s talk. We can set up virtual consultations and chat about fabrics and styles

I hope this lightened your day somewhat and provided a small distraction from reading the latest news update. Make the most of the situation any way you can: stay home, stay in touch with your family - especially older relatives - via Skype, FaceTime or calling, and enjoy your kids. If you can, find a way to help. My passion is to help and until things get back to normal I’ve been making face masks. If you have fabric to donate, are able to cut fabric, or can deliver masks to those who need them, you can help too! Contact www.lafayettemasks.com if you are in the Tippecanoe County, Indiana area.

Stay in touch. Contact me if you need design help or want to help out in your community. I know of many other volunteer groups around the country.

Normally I would sign off with until next time, but for now,

Stay well,



Everything You Need To Know About My Custom Slipcovers


Blogging in the time of a pandemic