3 Reasons to Attend a Trade Show or Conference
Someone recently asked me why she should attend a conference when she can take classes online. While online classes have greatly improved thanks to Zoom and other platforms, there's so much more you can get out of an in-person experience.
No matter your industry, there is a conference or trade show for you. When I worked in food service, I attended many that helped me advance in my career. The conferences I attend now are the IWCE (International Window Coverings Expo) and the CWC (Custom Workroom Conference). Today I'm sharing 3 reasons to attend a trade show or conference.
#1: Focus on Education
When I attend a class, I am focused on the teacher and the subject, and I'm among other people who are there to learn. There are no distractions like there are when attending a virtual event from home: no email notifications, no dog barking, no deliveries, and no husband in the other room. Asking questions, examining samples, and having dialogue within the class are some of the best parts of taking in-person classes.
If there are no classes that interest you, or if you have mastered the subjects, take the opportunity to try something new! Challenge yourself.
Bedding Basics class I taught at the Custom Workroom Conference in 2022. The attendees were focused and engaged, creating a great atmosphere for learning. Attendees were able to handle samples and take close up photos after the class ended.
#2: Industry Networking
Conferences are a great place to connect and re-connect with people in your industry. I look forward to sharing ideas outside of the classroom and meeting new people to collaborate with. Even as an introvert, I find myself drawn into conversations.
I have many friends and acquaintances in the window coverings industry that I’ve met through online forums and social media. Seeing them in person at these events is an absolute thrill!
Group photo of the Workroom Accountability and Mentoring Group (WAM) at CWC 2022. It was great to meet some of the members in person after many Zoom meetings.
#3: Discovering New Products
Larger conferences have at least one day dedicated to a trade or vendor show. This is a great place to discover new products, ask questions, and see how they work. I recommend locating your favorite vendors to see if they offer show specials on products or shipping (and be sure to thank them for being there!). New companies or products will often debut at a trade show — be sure to check them out. You may find a new favorite!
A sales representative is describing the VAKO shade system to attendees at a vendor show.
Pro Tips:
Most conferences are business casual, and comfort is key. Bring a sweater or jacket for the air-conditioned rooms and wear comfortable shoes (especially for the vendor show).
Bring business cards for sharing and drawings or giveaways.
Attend with an open mind.
Upon returning home, give yourself a day to organize your notes, samples, and product information.
Most importantly, REST! Especially for fellow introverts, you may be "peopled out" and need some serious quiet time to recharge your batteries.
Registration for Custom Workroom Conference opens Friday, May 5. You can review the brochure here and get ready to register. If you own a workroom, I hope to see you there!
If you have any additional questions about attending a trade show or conference, reach out to me. I’d love to chat and answer your questions!
Until next time,