How to Design & Organize a Home Ready for Entertaining Any Time of Year

I love to entertain.  Organizing and planning ahead makes it fun and easy rather than chaotic and daunting!  Thoughtful planning keeps my house "user friendly" for my husband and me in the days leading up to an event and for guests who overnight with us.

Tip #1: Choose Multi-Functional Storage Pieces

I have a small home with limited storage space. Much consideration went into furnishing the main rooms in our house with pieces that fit, looked good and served a purpose.  A china cabinet and credenza in the dining room and side tables with drawers in the living room help store items for special events.  Linens and serving items are stored neatly away, yet are accessible when needed.

Tip #2: Be Prepared with Plenty of Seating

When we are planning ahead for a large gathering, we know we have extra "seating" options with ottomans and upholstered benches from other rooms and folding tables and chairs for dining. The folding tables and chairs work for outdoor entertaining, as well.   For everyday use, our home is always ready to accommodate friends who drop in for a visit.

Tip #3: Thoughtfully Label Items for Storage

As much as I love to decorate seasonally, it used to be a hassle before I organized my storage space for those special items.  All like items: wall hangings, soft things (blankets, pillows, linens), candles, etc. are in put into carefully labeled bins. Do you have an item that goes in a specific place?  Attaching a note when storing it will make it easy to remember where it goes.  Whether you go all out or decorate sparingly, organizing your seasonal decor will make it easier!

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Until next time,


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