Staying Focused on the Things That Matter
A sunny fall day, a beautiful view, and a comfy spot to stop and rest are simple pleasures.
This is not my usual blog post about window treatments, design, or fabric. This is a personal post that may resonate with many of you. If you've been keeping track, I've missed a few deadlines for work and blogging. Today, I’ll explain why–and why I'm not so down about it…
The First Domino Fell
In mid-July, my husband Jeff and I cleared out and stored the contents of several rooms in the house we had lived in for 33 years for an addition/renovation. We moved into an apartment nearby. What should have been a two-month stay became a four-month stay. We are now back in our house, but it is not yet completed.
Demo for renovation began after we moved out.
Dominoes Two and Three Soon Followed
We were settling into apartment life (I adjusted to commuting to work–located behind my house) when we became aware of the declining health issues of our parents and aunt. Lengthy discussions with sisters followed, along with trips to help downsize housing.
At about the same time, I had three challenging job orders back-to-back, and each took a bit longer to complete than I had planned. Fortunately, I had downtime between, but that still wasn't enough to keep me on schedule.
This is close to what I felt like.
More Dominoes
There were additional, smaller issues that, by themselves, would have come and gone without cause. A few of these were minor health issues that prevented me from following my regular stress-busting workout routine. Adding them to the stress I already had was taxing; I felt depression creeping in, but I knew how to keep it from going full-scale.
We are getting somewhat used to the refrigerator in the living room and the unplugged washer and dryer in the dining room and know that it is temporary. We have a warm house. And food. And the essentials. I'm sure the delay in our house project is wearing on the construction company owners much as my work delays wore on me.
We are all human.
We’ll soon be able to enoy our dining room again, once the washer and dryer are in the laundry room where the belong.
Jeff and I are staying focused on what matters most–each other and our families, all of whom care for us a great deal and love us.
Until next time,